In my application data producing speed (which is stored in in concurrentLinkedQueue) is greater than i can consume with single thread. I have decided to start with creating 4 threads to consume the data, to prevent my application from “out of memory exception”. Questions : Any other better design for the above problem with an example ? Can we iterate
RxJava Live Reactive Queue (with on off switch)
Working on an android app in kotlin. I need to set up a system to be able to do work from a live queue (and observe the results of the work in a stream). But I also have to be able to toggle the “queue processing” depending on a couple external factors (which also come in as streams) like networkIsAvailable
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError running TestNG Test in Eclipse
I am getting the Exception Running Arquillian Tests in Eclipse Oxygen with TestNG and wildfly11. My Maven configuration is as follows: Answer The Solution was: remove the the Wildfly 11 Runtime from the Classpath. Right Click on the Project Build Path Configure Build Path Libraries (Tab) remove Wildfly 11 Runtime (or Wildfly 10 Runtime) Why is this necessary? Comments welcome…
try-with-resource – finally keyword error on Java 8 [closed]
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 5 years ago. Improve this question
SpringBoot 401 UnAuthorized even with out security
I did not use Spring Security but it is asking me to authenticate. Exception for URL(http://localhost:8080/SpringJob/ExecuteJob): application-dev.xml build.gradle snippet Controller Answer Try to add below lines in your file According to spring doc, use security.ignored= Comma-separated list of paths to exclude from the default secured paths
Read/Write Certificate Signing Request on Android (spongycastle)
I try to write code on Android to generate RSA key-pair and then generate Certificate Request file (.csr) like this image below: First I use spongycastle lib to generate Key Pair (public key and private key) Then I use CSRHelper class I found on this link to generate: byte CSRder[]: I write code to write byte[] to file: Final I
Retrieve mouse position in JavaFX without event
I want to retrieve the x and y coordinates of the current mouse position before showing a stage. So far, the only way I found to get the mouse position in JavaFX is within a MouseEvent, which does not apply to my situation. Furthermore, I found the possibility to retrieve the position via java.awt.MouseInfo. This, however, I think is a
Spring REST partial update with @PATCH method
I’m trying to implement a partial update of the Manager entity based in the following: Entity SaveManager method in Controller Save object manager in Dao impl. When I save the object the username and password has changed correctly but the others values are empty. So what I need to do is update the username and password and keep all the
How to assign a value from to a static variable?
I am using Spring MVC. I have a UserService class annotated with @Service that has a lot of static variables. I would like to instantiate them with values from the file. For example in I have: SVN_URL = http://some.url/repositories Then in the class there is: @Value(“${SVN_URL}”) private static String SVN_URL I get the Instantiation of bean failed; nested
Spring Boot Controller not mapping
I have used STS and now I am using IntelliJ Ultimate Edition but I am still getting the same output. My controller is not getting mapped thus showing 404 error. I am completely new to Spring Framework. Console Output Answer I too had the similar issue and was able to finally resolve it by correcting the source package