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Spring RestTemplate getForObject getting 404

I’m trying to make a get request to an Api Rest but I’m always getting 404, nevertheless if try copying queryUrl in a browser or postMan it works perfectly. restTemplate.getForObject(queryUrl, entity ,Integer.class); I’ve also tried this: HttpHeaders httpHeaders = new HttpHeaders(); httpHeaders.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON); HttpEntity entity = new HttpEntity(httpHeaders); log.debug(“request headers: ” + entity.getHeaders()); ResponseEntity response =, HttpMethod.GET, entity, String.class); But

docker stats shows zero memory usage even for running containers

I have two containers ran by Docker Swarm: Host OS is Debian Jessie. There are JVM applications in both containers. Why does docker stats show zero memory usage? Should I configure my Java apps somehow to be able to see memory usage in docker stats? Is there some other way to check memory usage? Answer It is quite possible that

clear all values of hashmap except two key/value pair

I have a HashMap with hundred of key/value pairs. Now I have to delete all key/values except 2 key/value. I have use this way : But java 8 introduced removeIf() for these kind of condition. How can I solve this problem with removeIf() method ? Answer You’ll need to it like this : It will iterate over the keys and

Query-by-example skip primitives?

Spring supports creating queries by examples of the object to look for. Like: Problem: if the @Entity has primitive fields, then their default value will actually be used for creating the query. The example above will result in: SELECT * from persons where lastname := ‘Smith’ and age := 0 In my example I have a database field where age

How to escape all special characters for ffmpeg drawtext filter in java

Does anyone have a good recipe for escaping all of the special characters (‘,%,,:,{,}) from a String in java, that will be used in an ffmpeg drawtext filter chain? Trying to use replaceAll with different combinations of escaping has been an exercise in frustration! String myTextString = “Bob’s specialcool mix:stuff @ 40% off”; Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { “ffmpeg”,…., “filter_complex”, “drawtext=enable=’between(t,0,10)’:x=10:y=10:fontfile=Roboto-Black.ttf:text='” +

InvalidTypesException for Generic Pattern Transformation in Apache Flink

I have problem regarding Apache Flink. I want to have an abstract class that consumes a stream. However the pattern applied to this stream should be interchangeable. TEventType marks the type of the event that is generated from the pattern. Every pattern must implement an interface called IEventPattern The abstract class has a method called applyPatternSelectToStream() The flink compiler always
