I am using GridView in my alert dialogue with below codes.its giving me error called in title. My codes and more required information is like below. and Adapter like this its giving me warning on this line warning is like below My code is working fine as expected and I am not facing any issue. I want know that What
How to increment a “number” in a Java 8 lambda expression in a loop?
I have the following problem. I have an integer position which starts at 1 and increments every time a specific person from a txt is found at a specific position in an xml. If I use the classic iteration with the foreach for (PersonMatchInfo pmi : personMatchInfo) it works, but my senior asked me to do with the Java 8
SHA-512 hashing with Android
I was wondering if I can SHA-512 hash a string on Android Studio without a salt. I’ve seen other questions, but they all involve the salt, but I want something like this: And TextBox will read c1527cd893c124773d811911970c8fe6e857d6df5dc9226bd8a160614c0cd963a4ddea2b94bb7d36021ef9d865d5cea294a82dd49a0bb269f51f6e7a57f79421; Answer The other questions you saw use salt so just don’t use salt like so: Based on this answer.
What does “Required filename-based automodules detected.” warning mean?
In my multi-module project, I created module-info.java only for few modules. And during compilation with maven-compiler-plugin:3.7.0 I’m getting next warning: [WARNING] * Required filename-based automodules detected. Please don’t publish this project to a public artifact repository! * What does it mean? Is that because I have only a few modules with module-info.java and not the whole project? Answer Automatic module
Throw exception when a property is duplicated in a properties file
How can I throw an Exception when a properties file contains a duplicate property? Here is an example demonstrating this situation: Answer I suppose you are reading the file with something like Properties.load(). It sets the parameter internally using put(key, value). You can override that method to get the desired behaviour like e.g. EDIT: Integrating this into the OP’s code:
Classloaders hierarchy in Java 9
As of Java 8, I know the hierarchy of the classloaders has been as follows: Bootstrap classloader → Extension classloader → Application classloader What is the change in the hierarchy of classloaders in Java 9 and how does it work? Answer The ClassLoader as revised in Java-9 states that: The Java run-time has the following built-in class loaders: Bootstrap class
What is an open module in Java 9 and how do I use it?
What is the difference between a module with the open keyword before it and without it? For instance: open module foo { } module foo { }
Custom Http Status Code in Spring
I am using Spring Boot and I am using Exception Classes thoughout my business logic code. One might look like this: Well now there are Exception, where no predefined Http Status code is fitting, so I would like to use a status code like 460 or similar, which is still free, but the annotation ResponseStatus just accepts values from the
Switching Keys in a Map of Maps
How would you use Java 8 streams to swap keys in this map of maps? Or at least clean up this mess a little bit… Map<Type1, Map> to Map<Type2, Map<Type1, String&…
How to get a jar file from nexus using Jenkins?
I have a Jenkins job which contains 3 parameters: ARTIFACT_ID, GROUP_ID, and APP_VERSION. I would like to use those 3 params to download any specific jar file from Nexus. Note that the Nexus URL is provided in the Jenkins config, so it will automatically know from where to lookup. Do you have an idea how to do that!! For example,