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Junit test for model class

This question is about best practice rather than any issues or problem. I have a service method below that I am trying to test. myDAO is DAO class that will be injected and has all database call code. And my Junit test case using mockito is Everything is fine and working. My main problem here is MyObject is a modal

Webview Splash screen doen’t show once as expected

Am trying to create a webview app displaying a splash screen once after the first lunch. Initially once i open the app the splash screen will show up then after 5 seconds it will load main activity VaultActivity, but after i have added the line of code to check if splash screen ‘SplashScreen’ has been launched before, the app stopped

execution default of spring-boot-maven-plugin repackage failed

I’ve got a simple project that is doing nothing for now and which is just a simple Spring Boot 2 application which supposed to use java 9. When I run mvnw clean package over hero-journey folder I get this error It does not provide any particular information about the cause except RuntimeException and that something happen (it seems) on class

Javafx like Callback but without return

I’m looking for a standard Javafx or java interface (if it exists) that acts like a Callback, except that it does not return a value. The standard Callback from javafx.util package is as follows: This is useful when you need to return the value, but I don’t. I’ve looked into Callable<T>: But this doesn’t actually pass in a value into

hibernate h2 embeddable list expected “identifier”

I’m trying to associate a list of function (whom Embeddable) within my Employee Entity and H2 seems unhappy with this saying that it expected an “identifier” Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Syntax error in SQL statement ” CREATE TABLE EMPLOYEE_FUNCTIONS ( EMPLOYEE_EMPLOYEEID VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, ACTIVE BOOLEAN NOT NULL, DEPARTMENTNUMBER INTEGER NOT NULL, DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(255), ORDER[*] INTEGER NOT NULL ) “; expected

How does the SharedSecrets mechanism work?

jdk.internal.misc.SharedSecrets describes itself as: A repository of “shared secrets”, which are a mechanism for calling implementation-private methods in another package without using …

Why is package-protected method not visible in the same package?

Assume we have two packages p1 and p2 and classes p1.M1 extended by p2.M12 as follows: Let’s extend M12 with p2.B: This gives a compilation error as method1, being package-protected within p1 is not visible in p2. method2 is visible without problems. Now let’s extend p2.M12 with p1.A: Here I’m getting a compilation error for both method2() (which is understandable)

Does the stream.spliterator() close the stream?

Does the stream.spliterator() implicitly closes the stream, or there is a need to explicitly close it afterwards? At first glance, it seems that the .spliterator() method closes the stream, but without calling stream.close(). At least if I close it straight away after the .spliterator() method is invoked, it seems not affection the spliterator operations. This question can be extended to
