} I tried to create a form and a JTextField on it. But the problem is, my location and size doesn’t work. The TextField is filling the whole form. How can I fix it? Answer The size is not “working” due to the default layout (FlowLayout) in your JFrame. This layout doesn’t let you change the size or location of
Including JSTL implementation jar only
Following this answer, below is a simple JSP demo that includes only JSTL implementation jar(javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.1.jar), but not JSTL API jar(javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api-1.2.1.jar), My understanding is, JSTL implementation jar holds both API(mostly Java interfaces) and it’s implementation. This is the reason test.jsp got compiled and executed successfully. Further, same approach would work with servlets using API implementation jar provided by Tomcat container without
converting epoch to ZonedDateTime in Java
How to convert epoch like 1413225446.92000 to ZonedDateTime in java? The code given expects long value hence this will throw NumberFormatException for the value given above. Answer java.time can directly parse your string Edit: If your millisecond value is always non-negative, the following DateTimeFormatter can parse it. Now parsing into a ZonedDateTime is just one method call: Output is: 2014-10-13T11:37:26.920-07:00[America/Los_Angeles]
Gradle is failing on malformed pom.xml in Central Maven
I have this gradle script snippet: Now when running a build, Gradle consistently fails on downloading transitive dependencies and gives me this message: When I had a look at the content of the pom.xml file from the repository, I noticed that, although the pom.xml is in the right place, it indicates a version different than what is expected. In this
How to run single class ignoring compilation error in other class
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3. I have a project called “test”, which has two classes under the src folder: Main, has main method to print out “Hello World” CompileErrorClass, has one method with compile errors Those two class have no dependencies. I was trying to run the main() in the Main class, and set the before launch to “build,
How to replace whole key/value pair from a LinkedHashmap at the same replaced position
I am trying to replace whole key/value pair from my LinkedHashMap but seems it is not working. I am getting concurrentmodificationexception. Is there a way to replace whole key/value pair for a key at the same position without any major changes. I tried to do the following: Answer As far as I have understood, you want to stick with LinkedHashMap.
Android Fragment OnAttach method
I’m new to Android development and have a question about OnAttach(Context context) method. As far as I understand you override OnAttach method in the class that you extend Fragment and what it basically does is it attaches the fragment to the Activity(Context) that gets passed as a parameter. However, in a lot of example codes I’ve seen on the internet,
Spring Boot – NoClassDefFoundError: ch/qos/logback/classic/Level
I created a vanilla Spring Boot App (1.5.9.RELEASE) but when I Run As -> Spring Boot App (in Eclipse Oxygen) I get pom.xml App Remark I also tried mvn clean package -> java -jar target/boot-demo.jar which gives me Answer Extending Mark Bramnik answer, It does look like you don’t have logback, which is pretty weird because spring-boot-starter-web have a dependency
Spring RestTemplate message converter priority when posting
What is the most convenient way to influence the priority of the message converters Spring applies when POSTing with RestTemplate? Use case: I want to ensure a given entity is POSTed as JSON rather than e.g. XML when I do restTemplate.postForEntity(url, entity, Void.class). Default By default the entity is converted to XML because the MappingJackson2XmlHttpMessageConverter takes precedence over the MappingJackson2HttpMessageConverter.
How to read a bounce back email details with Java mail API?
I am using Java mail API to read the bounce back email from Amazon SES on my Gmail id. This is how I receive an bounce email from Amazon SES. My question is using Java email API. I am able to read the content up to: But I am not able to read the following content with the help of