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TimeCharacteristics & TimerService in Apache Flink

I’m currently working through this tutorial on Stream processing in Apache Flink and am a little confused on how the TimeCharacteristics of a StreamEnvironment effect the order of the data values in the stream and in respect to which time an onTimer function of a ProcessFunction is called. In the tutorial, they set the characteristics to EventTime, since we want

How can I supress the checkstyle message “Utility classes should not have a public of default constructor” when using Spring

In a Spring Java project I have the following class: Building using Jenkins tells me that I should not have a public or default constructor in a utility class. In my checkstyle.xml withing Treewalker file I have And the module I tried to supress the specific check using @SuppressWarnings({“PMD”, “checkstyle:HideUtilityClassConstructor”}) but this did not work either. The “PMD” supression does

How to disable activiti auto deployment on Spring Boot project

I have a Spring Boot project where I used activiti-spring-boot-starter-basic 5.22 dependency. But whenever I am running the Spring Boot app the processes in src/main/resources/processes will always get deploy if it has been changed and I don’t want it to deploy. How can I disable auto deploy on Spring Boot? Answer You can add the following properties to your

Open New Activity from Android Button Click

In my app I’m developing in android studio, I’m making a button to redirect from one activity to another but it does not give me anything even though I do not have any errors in the code. Answer Check your id’s on your xml layout, also check there is no onClick XML property being used that can be conflicting with

Get n-th child Element with Jsoup

For example a web site has a code like this: and I want to get the “second” div text with “Jsoup” and it has no attribute or class. Answer There are few ways to to it. select returns Elements instance which extends ArrayList<Element> so you can select all child divs and pick one at specified index (starting from 0) like

How to cut paper after printing is done on Epson?

I have problem with cutting paper. I have Epson TM-T20 Receipt, and trying to cut paper after printing is done. I found somewhere that this is code for cutting byte[] bytes = { 27, 100, 3 }, but it’s not working. Below is code I’m using for printing. Answer Problem with this was fact that just string was sent to

Kafka message ordering in partition while producer retry

According to producer configs, there are: retries and Suppose that retries > 0 and > 1. Can messages arrive out of order within ONE partition of topic (e.g. if first message has retries, but second message delivered to broker with the first attempt)? Or do out of order only happen across several partitions of topic, but within partition
