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Make Feign client to take truststore from custom property

Feign client in our app is communicating with a self-signed server. We are able to make Feign client use the custom truststore using the property system property. But because my app also communicates with standard CA certified sites, the default truststore shouldn’t be overridden. How can I use the custom truststore without using system property? Or else how

How to traverse a graph both “forwards” and “backwards”?

I am investigating Graphs/Graph Traversals using Using the code below I can create a simple graph and traverse it “forwards” However I would also like to be able to “retrace” my steps back through the graph from any vertex and return to the “start” of the graph. e.g. topologicalOrderIterator.previous() I cannot see any obvious methods within jgrapht-core? Is reverse Graph

Invalid column name exception – JdbcPagingItemReader query with alias

Spring batch step fails when JdbcPagingItemReader query has a join and alias. It works fine when I remove the join and just do a simple query from employee table. Below is the code snippet that fails. Did anyone encounter such an issue ? Any help would be appreciated. spring-batch-core-4.0.1.RELEASE spring-boot-2.0.0.RELEASE Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid column name at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getColumnIndex( ~[ojdbc6-] at

How to get List from Object in Spring RestTemplate

How to get List from Object? Below you can find my code: Actually object variable is a List of Objects(Strings) and I need to get all these Strings. If I print it out System.out.println(object.toString()); it looks like that: I need to get List of these Strings to dynamic use it. Could you please help? Answer Try this out. This should

Need to reference and use a C# dll in Java

I need to reference a .Net dll in java. I have used jni4net libraries for the same. I have followed the steps mentioned in the video below : I have followed all the steps required to reference jni4net libraries but i get the following runtime Exception: After following all the steps, This is my code: I have tried executing

Firestore – Why check if DocumentSnapshot is not null AND call exists?

Take a look at this code example from the Firestore documentation: Why check if document != null? If I read the source code correctly (beginner), the exists method checks for nullity internally. Answer A successfully completed task will never pass null for the DocumentSnapshot. If the requested document does not exist, you’ll get an empty snapshot. This means that:

Convert location units from miles to meters Android [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question i want to convert miles to meters? and other units to metric? I

Apache POI java.lang.NoSuchMethodError

My code is below: And the error code I get is: The dependencies for Apache that I have added to my netbeans library are: And from here I pretty much have no idea what to do. Can anyone tell me if my code is wrong or what other dependencies I need? Answer Ok, so as rgettman explained, I had to

Replace text templates inside .docx (Apache POI, Docx4j or other)

I want to do replacements in MS Word (.docx) document using regular expression (java RegEx): I tried to get text templates (like %SOME_TEXT%) use Apache POI – XWPF and replace text, but replacement is not guaranteed, because POI separates runs => I get something like this(System.out.println(run.getText(0))): code example: I have found many similar questions (like this “Replacing a text in
