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AWS JAVA dynamoDB enhanced client putItem class cast exception

When I used enhanced client to put but it throws class cast exception. It gives me error java.lang.ClassCastException: com.db.dynamo.Tableclass cannot be cast to com.db.dynamo.Tableclass Answer This worked for me SpringBoot – Java AWS SDK 2 DynamoDB Enhanced Client and devtools problem So basically the issue was with spring dev tools and its class loader(2 in number), so you can either

Maven error Cannot access defaults field of Properties

I use the newest version of Java -> 16. When I run mvn clean, I am getting Could not initialize class org.apache.maven.plugin.war.util.WebappStructureSerializer error. I read that adding maven-war-plugin can be a solution, but it didn’t work for me. When I run mvn install, the following error occurs: Error injecting constructor, java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: Cannot access defaults field of Properties at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.(Unknown Source)

How do I make the command java -version work on my computer with Windows 8.1?

Problem I’ve installed Java 9 on my computer with Windows 8.1, followed instructions on the Internet to configure system variables and the commands java -version and javac -version worked on Command Prompt. Then I had to change to Java 10, so I installed, changed the system variables, but now only javac -version works, when I try to use java -version

COSStream has been closed and cannot be read

I have next code in my project and time to time it falls with COSStream has been closed and cannot be read. Perhaps its enclosing PDDocument has been closed? It happens in different time and with different workload, so I want to fix it. Thanks in advance. and here part that load resourse: Answer You use streams from template documents

In Kotlin, how does GSON.fromJson(…) manage to mutate a read-only field of an existing object?

In Kotlin, how can an instance’s read-only val field be mutated? In the following Kotlin code, gson.fromJson(…) gets a Thing(0) from the InstanceCreator and somehow manages to mutate value from 0 to 1, then return that object. How? I verified that the object returned by gson.fromJson(…) is the same object provided by the InstanceCreator, so it’s not creating a new

AWS SDK for java 1.7

I am trying to access a aws webservice here I have lambda expression, but my project is in java 7, So I want to convert this code to normal method. Answer A lambda expression can be translated into either an anonymous class or a named class. In your example, you need a class that implements the interface: If we look

How to determine if an apk is signed in Java?

I’m building an Java Android App in Android Studio. In my onCreate function I wand to determine if the App has been build with or without a certificate. But by now, I get no Certificate Information at all. output: Answer You have to use getPackageInfo instead of getPackageArchiveInfo. When you do so, getPackageInfo has to be enclosed in a try-catch-block.
