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files aren’t generated using Swagger codegen plugin

I can’t generate the models / controllers / services in any way, I run this command mvn clean install but it generates the files in target/generate-sources,I have used json but also yaml, How can I make this generate it for me in src/main? Here is my pom.xml , project – Answer Modify file gradle/swagger.gradle Modify file pom.xml

Update constructor using method

I have a game app and I want it to update the constructor strength value when I call the levelUp() method. But when i do System.out.println(hero.hp); after calling levelUp() it returns the first value. Answer One way to always get an up-to-date value for a calculation that depends on other variables/inputs is to calculate it on demand (useful for simple

SecurityFilterChain Bean doesn’t protect app

I am in the middle of process of mirgation my Spring Security Configuration from WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter (deprecated) to configuration with beans. My config class now looks like I understand that this configuration doesn’t make any behavior settings, but shouldn’t it return a SecurityFilterChain bean that will act like the default SecurityFilterChain (as if no configuration was specified)? When I start my

Building JavaFX Projects with JDK 11.0.2 and Eclipse?

I’ve spent too much time trying to find how to do this with. Tips for setting up a dev environment are what I am asking for, however I will start with what I tried so far. As I understand JavaFX was separated from the JDK after JDK 8, however, for an R&D project, I need to create JavaFX applications that

How to have the same type of User object when using multiple AuthenticationProviders?

I have two working AuthenticationProviders in my Server: Once a user is logged in, I access their data via SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal() (with appropriate checks for no or anonymous logins). For the JDBC login the principal is a object and for LDAP it is a object. I would like to ultimately use the same custom User class for both providers,

Why java allows “var” to declare generic variable without specifying type, leading to runtime issue? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 28 days ago. Improve this question Hi: this code get compiled: But with runtime issue. The list local variable is of ArrayList but not any ArrayList<xxx> generic type. Why java let

Are there any java.util.random seeds with bad/weird properties? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 6 months ago. Improve this question I’m curious if there are seeds for java.util.random which have weird/surprising properties. This has little practical use, but I’m still curious. edit: by weird/surprising properties
