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Merge an List of Object and an Object to a new array in Java [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 10 months ago. Improve this question I have List<BigInteger> sample1 = Lists.newArrayList(BIGINTEGER1, BIGINTEGER2,BIGINTEGER3); I have to create new List sample2 with one more value BIGINTEGER4 along with sample1 list: How can

Get every nth element of nested lists using Java Streams

Here’s a function that will take a nested ArrayList allLists, an index nth, and return the nth element of every sublist. E.g. for allLists = {{1,2,3}, {4,5,6}, {7,8,9}}, nth = 1, the function will return {2,5,8} I’ve managed to get a version working where I can print it out: How to gather the results into an array? Answer Solved:

class and extending interface in objective c

I know bit of ts and I am new to Objective C. I have a meeting param which I want to extend in meeting obj (MeetingConfig.h) file How can I do that? (right now I know there is redundant code) Also, I know I am mixing language but can someone tell me what would be the equivalence of this code

Postfix and OpenJDK 11: “No appropriate protocol (protocol is disabled or cipher suites are inappropriate)”

I know there are some other questions (with answers) to this topic. But none of these was helpful for me. I have a Postfix server (postfix 3.4.14 on Debian 10 (Buster)) with the following configuration (only the interesting section): If I check the configuration with OpenSSL, I get (please note that I have made the domain name unrecognizable with “”):

Install Java 16 on Raspberry Pi 4

I have tried multiple releases from here using : But after java -version I always get: Which means I have chosen the wrong release/architecture. Is there a release that works with Raspberry Pi’s or is there another way to install Java 16? Answer Answering my own question. cd [minecraft directory here] wget tar xzf OpenJDK16U-jdk_arm_linux_hotspot_2021-05-08-12-45.tar.gz export PATH=$PWD/jdk-16.0.1+4/bin:$PATH java -version

Is there a way to see what my code looks like after type erasure?

I would like to know what tool can be used to view code after type erasure. For example, I’d like to see what the following code looks like after type erasure. I know that generic type information is stripped prior to final compilation, replacing type references with Object or boundary types, creating bridge methods, etc. I want to see the

How to add Java doc link in Eclipse for selenium 3.141.59

I have added selenium 3.141.59 to my project in Eclipse IDE. There are 7 jar files in selenium’s latest release. I tried to add Javadoc link – in each jar file of selenium. But the Eclipse editor is not showing any documentation when hover over the selenium method. Can anyone please help me to solve this problem? Answer You
