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Generating RegEx pattern for a given string

I need to generate a RegEx pattern for a file name validation. But I am not used to RegEx pattern. I did try to generate patterns by using think link. I generated a pattern (^.*$)|(^.*i.*$) but it is not working as desired and got new pattern ^d+(?:_[A-Za-z]+)?$ from an answer but some new conditions are required which I have listed

How use generic entity name in JPQL

I have three tables with same column name and types, what changes is just the table name. Example: | TABLE1 | TABLE2 | TABLE3 | | —— | —— | ——- | | ID | ID | ID | | NAME | NAME | NAME | | FOO | FOO | FOO | | BAR | BAR | BAR |

Validating credentials using JDBC against PostgreSQL

So I’ve been trying to get my credentials to be validated when I log in to my server. This is the simple set of data I am trying to validate. (456789, ‘Dave123’, ‘password’, ‘Dave’, ‘Davidson’, ‘dave@dadavid’, 2), (123456, ‘John456’, ‘123456’, ‘John’, ‘Johnson’, ‘john@jojohn’, 1), (456878, ‘Kate789’, ‘abcdef’, ‘Kate’, ‘Kateson’, ‘kate@kitkat’, 1) So when it finishes validating, if the username and

Spring Find by unique properties

Given 1 relational table Doctor_ID Client_ID 2 2 2 3 2 4 3 5 4 2 4 3 And I want all the occurrences where client_id is not equals to 3, ignoring the same doctor_id. In this example, I would only get the 4th row… Doctor_ID Client_ID 3 5 How could I achieve something like that? Answer This query with

When uploading a image for one user to firebase storage, the link of the image updates for every user in database

I’m creating this app in Android Studio using Firebase Realtime Database and Firebase Storage. When a user registers through my app the data will store in the Firebase Realtime Database. Then on the profile page, there is a place to upload a picture. When a user uploads a picture it will store in the firebase storage and the link will
