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What’s the difference between the two expressions?

and What’s the difference between them in java? It seems that the generated bytecode is identical. Answer It seems that the generated bytecode is identical. Then you got your answer. Semantically, the two constructs will result in the exact same behavior at runtime. So the only thing left: what does it do “to the source code”? And there it is

How to use a JSON file to aggregate in MongoDB in Java?

I am using the Java MongoDB driver v4.3: I have my aggregation pipelines written in JSON files which are placed in the src/main/resources folder. The aggregate function only accepts a List<Bson>. After fetching the file, how do I pass it into the MongoDB method? Answer This is how you do it:

Ways to implement Google Pub Sub

I found these 3 ways for implementing messaging with Google Pub Sub: with client libraries with spring integration message channels and PubSubTemplate API without message channels but with PubSubTemplate API I want to understand the differences between them / when each is best to use and which would be useful for my case. I have to implement

Extract digits in between two pipes padded with whitespace

I am struggling to use regex to find matches of the numbers between pipes {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 …} in this line ; | 2021-08-18 01:28 | Twitter | [INTL TWITTER AAA BBB CC ] ( | Twitter XX (C++, C#) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | [ aaaa ] | 5 | 6 |

Some doubts about this Spring Batch @Scheduled() annotation and how to manually start a Spring Batch job?

I am pretty new in Spring Batch and I have the following doubts about how to schedule the job start at a specific time. Into my project I have this SpringBatchExampleJobLauncher class: As you can see it contains the runSpringBatchExampleJob() method running the job at a specific time set by the cron expression into the Scheduled annotation: What is the

Why is Pitest throwing a NoSuchMethodError?

So I recently upgraded one of my repos to Java 11 and updated the versions of some of the other dependencies. After going through several of the dependencies and resolving all of the errors, I finally got the application to pass all unit and integration tests and it was running normally again. However, when I push the project it also
