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Convert Java Number to BigDecimal : best way

I am looking for the best way to convert a Number to a BigDecimal. Is this good enough? Can we lose precision with the toString() method ? Answer This is fine, remember that using the constructor of BigDecimal to declare a value can be dangerous when it’s not of type String. Consider the below… This will not print 0.35, it

How to fix error YouTubeInitializationResult.SERVICE_INVALID

I try use Youtube API in my Android App, my app looke like this: But when i install on my real device, I get a error : Initialization Fail- Service invalid I have no idea to fix this error. Let me hear your idea, thank you 🙂 Answer The Android YouTube API docs at: includes this note: Note: Users

How to find an object in a Set of custom objects

The code below contains a Set of CustomObjects. I am trying to search an object in it. I’ve overridden equals() method to match it with a specific field, am not able to understand why is it not able to find it. “XXtNot FoundtXX” is getting printed instead of “Found!!” import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; Answer You haven’t overridden equals and hashCode

Find substring in List and return Index Number

I have an List, with Strings like: Now i would like to get the Index Number for the Substring “One”. How can i get this? I only could make it if i convert it to an Array and then: Isn’t there a way to search for the Substring without converting it to an Array? Answer List already contains indexes

How do I run a Java program from the command line on Windows?

I’m trying to execute a Java program from the command line in Windows. Here is my code: I’m not sure how to execute the program – any help? Is this possible on Windows? Why is it different than another environment (I thought JVM was write once, run anywhere)? Answer Source: javaindos. Let’s say your file is in C:mywork Run Command

PageOutputStream causing java.lang.OutOfMemory

We have a struts2 web application running in Tomcat 7 that is intermittently experiencing the same problem: Application operating perfectly normally After a variable amount of time (anywhere from 10 minutes to 7 days) the application slows down to a halt Multiple java.lang.OutOfMemory errors in catalina.out Linux free -m shows all physical and swap memory is used up (even though
