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Inheritance for builders in lombok

I was trying to use lombok for my project.

I have a class A:

public class A {
    Integer a1;

and a class B:

public class B extends A {
    Integer b1;

    public B(Integer b1, Integer a1) {
        this.b1 = b1;

I am getting an error saying builder() in B cannot override builder() in A, as return type in BBuilder is not compatible with return type in ABuilder.

Is there some way to do this using lombok? I do not want to write the complete builder for for B, unless I don’t have any other option.

PS: I have given explicit constructor for class B due to Issue. I tried searching, but I could not find a good solution for the same.



Here we just need to call super of the builder.

public class B extends A {
    Integer b1;

    public B(Integer b1, Integer a1) {
        this.b1 = b1;

    public static class BBuilder extends ABuilder{
            BBuilder() {