I’m using Apache CXF and Spring Boot to expose SOAP endpoints. Here’s the config:
public class SoapWebServiceConfig {
@Bean(name = "cxf")
public SpringBus springBus() {
var loggingFeature = new LoggingFeature();
loggingFeature.addSensitiveProtocolHeaderNames(Set.of("Server", "Accept", "Date"));
var springBus = new SpringBus();
return springBus;
public ActivateGateway activateGateway() {
return new ActivateGatewayImpl();
public Endpoint activateGatewayEndpoint(Bus bus, ActivateGateway activateGateway) {
EndpointImpl endpoint = new EndpointImpl(bus, activateGateway);
return endpoint;
@Bean(name = "cxfServletRegistration")
public ServletRegistrationBean<CXFServlet> cxfServletRegistration() {
ServletRegistrationBean<CXFServlet> servletRegistrationBean = new ServletRegistrationBean<>(
new CXFServlet(), "/daas/activate/*");
return servletRegistrationBean;
You can see that I expose one endpoint. It’s accessible at https://localhost:8081/daas/activate/activateGateway?wsdl
<wsdl:import location="https://localhost:8081/daas/activate/activateGateway?wsdl=activateGateway.wsdl" namespace="http://schemas.symantec.com/cda/1.0/activateGateway">
<wsdl:binding name="ActivateGatewayServiceSoapBinding" type="ns1:activateGateway">
<wsdl:service name="ActivateGatewayService">
<wsdl:port binding="tns:ActivateGatewayServiceSoapBinding" name="activateGatewayPort">
<soap:address location="https://localhost:8081/daas/activate/activateGateway"/>
But this location="https://localhost:8081/daas/activate/activateGateway
is not valid because this service is behind api gateway. Is there a way to change the “base url”?
For example to this https://localhost:8081/soap/daas/activate/activateGateway
(notice the additional /soap
These files are generated at the start, this is not hardcoded.
I haven’t found a solution, but rather a workaround. There’s this configuration guide https://cxf.apache.org/docs/jax-ws-configuration.html which mentions publishedEndpointUrl
, but sadly it didn’t work for me for some reason.
The solution I used is combination of server.servlet.context-path=/test
and Ambassador’s rewrite functionality:
apiVersion: getambassador.io/v2
kind: Mapping
name: {{ include "project.name" . }}
prefix: /test
rewrite: /test # <-- This
host: {{ .Values.global.host }}
service: {{ $service }}
timeout_ms: 10000
connect_timeout_ms: 10000