I’m working on a .xml file generator. It works by asking the user to input 5 different values and then using them for generating a .xml data container. This is the code:
public class Generator { public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException { Scanner reader = new Scanner(System.in); while (true) { System.out.println("Input the furni ID (input only numbers here)."); String furniID = reader.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input the furni's file name (without '.swf'. You can input numbers, letters and underscores here)."); String furniFileName = reader.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input the furni's revision (input only numbers here)."); String furniRevision = reader.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input the furni's name (this will be the name that it will display when you click on the furni in a room or in your inventory)."); String furniName = reader.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input the furni's description (this will be displayed under the furni's name)."); String furniDescription = reader.nextLine(); System.out.println("Input the furni's furniline. This is just a name for a group of furnis that belong to the same collection. For example you can input 'custom' (without quotation marks)."); String furniLine = reader.nextLine(); System.out.println("Generating your furnidata..."); System.out.println(" "); TimeUnit.SECONDS.sleep(1); System.out.println("<furnitype id="" + furniID + """ + " classname="" + furniFileName + """ + ">"); System.out.println("<revision>" + furniRevision + "</revision>"); System.out.println("<xdim>1</xdim>"); System.out.println("<ydim>1</ydim>"); System.out.println("</partcolors>"); System.out.println("<name>" + furniName + "</name>"); System.out.println("<description>" + furniDescription + "</description>"); System.out.println("</adurl"); System.out.println("<offerid>-1</offerid>"); System.out.println("<buyout>0</buyout>"); System.out.println("<rentofferid>-1</rentofferid>"); System.out.println("<rentbuyout>0</rentbuyout>"); System.out.println("<bc>0</bc>"); System.out.println("<excludeddynamic>0</excludeddynamic>"); System.out.println("<customparams/>"); System.out.println("<specialtype>1</specialtype>"); System.out.println("<canstandon>0</canstandon>"); System.out.println("<cansiton>0</cansiton>"); System.out.println("<canlayon>0</canlayon>"); System.out.println("<furniline>" + furniLine + "</furniline>"); System.out.println("</furnitype>"); System.out.println(" "); System.out.println("Do you want to generate another furnidata? (YES/NO)"); String confirmation = reader.nextLine(); if (confirmation.equals("NO")) { System.out.println("Furnidata generator has been stopped."); break; } else if (confirmation.equals("no")) { System.out.println("Furnidata generator has been stopped."); break; } else if (confirmation.equals("No")) { System.out.println("Furnidata generator has been stopped."); break; } } }
I want the program to detect when someone inputs an empty string by pressing the enter key with no written text and print a message asking the user to not input empty strings. I tried this with a try-catch statement but after printing the message the program executes the next line instead of re-executing the one where the user input an empty string. How can I achieve this?
You might want to use.
String furniID = reader.nextLine(); furniID = furniID.trim(); if(furniID.equals("")){ System.out.println("Empty Here. "); }
As suggested in comments .readLine()
returns an empty string if you supply a blankline or simply hit enter.
The above regex expression will take care of empty string ""
or whitespaces
that user might enter.
edit 1 As suggested in comments regex could have been over-kill here. The string.trim() will take care of tabs, trailing-leading whitespaces and empty string.