When we build our application using gradle, it is throwing the exception below .Following is the build.gradle code:
buildscript { repositories{ jcenter() } dependencies { classpath "org.jfrog.buildinfo:build-info-extractor-gradle:4.8.1" classpath "io.spring.gradle:dependency-management-plugin:1.0.9.RELEASE" } } apply plugin: "idea" apply plugin: "java-library" apply plugin: "maven-publish" apply plugin: "com.jfrog.artifactory" apply plugin: "io.spring.dependency-management" group = "com.xx.ff" version = "2.1.5-SNAPSHOT" wrapper { gradleVersion = "6.5" distributionType = Wrapper.DistributionType.ALL } repositories { jcenter() if (System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_USER') == null || System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD') == null) { logger.warn("Please set environment variables ARTIFACTORY_USER and ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD") } maven { name "libs-snapshot" url "https://vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv/artifactory/libs-snapshot/" credentials { username = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_USER') password = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD') } } maven { name "libs-release" url "https://vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv/artifactory/libs-release/" credentials { username = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_USER') password = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD') } } } java { sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_11 } idea.module { outputDir file("build/classes/java/main") testOutputDir file("build/classes/java/test") } dependencyManagement { imports { mavenBom "org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-dependencies:${springBootVersion}" } } dependencies { api("org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter-security:${springBootVersion}") api("org.springframework.security.oauth.boot:spring-security-oauth2-autoconfigure:${springBootVersion}") implementation("javax.validation:validation-api:${validationVersion}") } artifactory { contextUrl = "${artifactory_contextUrl}" publish { repository { repoKey = "libs-snapshot-local" username = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_USER') password = System.getenv('ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD') maven = true } defaults { publications("mavenJava") } } } publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from components.java } } }
I am getting the below error : Build file, line: 81
Failed to notify build listener.
‘org.gradle.api.file.FileCollection org.gradle.api.publish.maven.internal.publication.MavenPublicationInternal.getPublishableFiles()’
Can anyone help me please ?
For future readers who stumble upon this error.
I’ve been piece mealing together a working jfrog publish from here:
Gradle Artifactory Plugin – How to publish artifacts from multiple modules in a project?
I got the error, then realized I was not using android.
I got this error when I had this:
publishing { publications { Android(MavenPublication) { groupId "${projectGroupName}" artifactId 'MyFirstArtifactId' version "${projectVersionName}" artifact "$buildDir/blah/blah/mything-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" } } }
and changed “Android” to “mavenJava” as seen below.
publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { groupId "${projectGroupName}" artifactId 'MyFirstArtifactId' version "${projectVersionName}" artifact "$buildDir/blah/blah/mything-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar" } } }
My only other hint is that i have this. keep in mind i have a multi-module gradle project and i do not want to artifactory-publish the root module.
subprojects { apply plugin: 'java-library' apply plugin: "maven-publish" }
So my in general idea is : are you missing an apply-plugin ?
Another Hint Project:
Another longer answer I posted:
How do I generate maven-metata.xml with maven-publish and the artifactory-gradle-plugin?
Just a reminder for newbies.
below is example code from url just above:
publishing { publications { myPublicationName(MavenPublication) { // Configure the publication here } } }
this is one reason why using “keywords” for the “myPublicationName” make it harder to discern.
publishing { publications { mavenJava(MavenPublication) { from(components.java) } } }
I’m still trying to figure out if mavenJava is just another name (like “myPublishingName” and the ‘from’ is the more important part. or it is a special name / reserved keyword.