I’m using mockito-core:2.8.47
and Java 7
and want to use in a when and verify anyListOf
or some other any method.
My Problem is, if I just use anyList
it says:
The method name( int, List < List < String > >) in the type Y is not
applicable for the arguments ( int, List < Object > )
How can I fix this?
ArgumentMatchers.anyListOf(ArgumentMatchers.anyListOf( String.class ) )
doesn’t work…
In my opinion you can get away with just the basic anyList()
method with additional generics information:
Mockito.doReturn("1").when(classMock).name(ArgumentMatchers.eq(1) , ArgumentMatchers.<List<String>>anyList());
This worked for me and also remember to add the ArgumentMatcher
for the first int variable otherwise Mockito will fail.