I am generating pdf files using itext 5 and Java, and saving them locally then saving these local saved files on AWS S3. Is there a way to just send them straight to S3 without having to save them locally. I have seen a few examples but none is working for me.
This is how am generating the pdf file
String path = //local directory on my computer Document document = new Document(); PdfWriter pdfWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(path)); document.open(); // add text to document document.close();
This is how I save it on s3
public void saveFileToS3(String pathLocal, String pathAws) { // init aws PutObjectRequest objectRequest = PutObjectRequest.builder() .bucket(bucketName) .key(folderName + "/" + pathAws) .build(); CompletableFuture<PutObjectResponse> future = s3Client.putObject(objectRequest, AsyncRequestBody.fromFile(Paths.get(pathLocal)) ); future.whenComplete((resp, err) -> { try { if (resp != null) { System.out.println("Object uploaded. Details: " + resp); } else { err.printStackTrace(); } } finally { s3Client.close(); } }); future.join(); }
String pathLocal is the path where am saving the file locally, while String pathAws is the path on S3 where the file is saved.
So I found out a way, I converted the itext file to a byte array and uploaded the pdf file as a byte array
Document document = new Document(); ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, byteArrayOutputStream); document.open(); //add stuff to pdf document.close(); //convert it into a byte array byte[] pdfBytes = byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray()
When uploading it to S3 I passed the bytes instead of the file path as I was doing before
CompletableFuture<PutObjectResponse> future = s3Client.putObject(objectRequest, AsyncRequestBody.fromBytes(pdfBytes) );