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Uploading json content on s3 using presigned url – gzipped

On the backend i’m generating a presigned url to upload a json object to an s3 bucket. I want the body actual json to be compressed.

This is what i’m doing in the backend:

  public String generateUploadLink(String bucketName, String bucketKey, int days) {

    var objectRequestBuilder = PutObjectRequest.builder().bucket(bucketName).key(bucketKey);

    PutObjectRequest objectRequest =;
    PutObjectPresignRequest presignRequest =
    return this.s3Presigner.presignPutObject(presignRequest).url().toString();

Now, in postman, I manually add the content-encoding: gzip header and the file gets uploaded

postman upload gzipped json


1. If i go to the aws console and try to download the file i get enter image description here

If i also try to open the file, nothing happens, no errors in the web console.

2. If i generate a download link from the backend

  public String generateDownloadLink(String bucketName, String responseContentDisposition,
      String key, int days) {

    GetObjectRequest objectRequest =

    GetObjectPresignRequest preSignRequest =

    PresignedGetObjectRequest presignedRequest = this.s3Presigner.presignGetObject(preSignRequest);

    return presignedRequest.url().toString();

and try to use that in postman, i get

Error: incorrect header check
Request Headers
User-Agent: PostmanRuntime/7.29.2
Accept: */*
Postman-Token: d4ecd208-8474-45aa-aecf-3d41caa863f3
Host: <host>
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive

If i remove the gzip encoding tag from file in the aws console, I can download/view the file normally.



The problem you are facing is due to postman being set to raw body type while uploading.

You should gzip the file before hand and uploading using binary body type.

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