well this is what I want to do. I have a website that is supposed to show post created from an Admin dashboard in index page using jsp as language, I did this in Php but I can’t find how to do it in jsp in this case, how can I check if the variable “pageno” exists to begin with?
in php is like:
if(isset($_GET['pageno'])){ $pageno = $_GET['pageno']; }else{$pageno = 1; }
how can I do this in jsp?
I’ve been trying to search but no luck.
Thanks a bunch in advance!
i think you are asking about jsp java blow code will help you to check the value of variable in jsp java.
<% boolean exist = false; int pageno =request.getParameter("pageno"); if(pageno !=null){ exist = true; out.println(pageno); }else{ exist = false; out.println("page num donot exist"); } %>