When I try to sort by a value descending my SQL table does it correctly, but if it sees for example “1000” it always puts it in the middle? for Example:
this even happens when I reference it in spigot (I’m using it for a plugin) it outputs it the same way
this is how I’m calling it in my plugin:
PreparedStatement statement = database.getConnection().prepareStatement("SELECT uuid FROM player_stats ORDER BY blocks_broken DESC"); ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(); while (rs.next()) { String name = rs.getString("uuid"); LeaderboardCommand.name = name; String player = String.valueOf(Bukkit.getPlayer(UUID.fromString(name))); p.sendMessage(player);
I know it’s not perfect as I’m just learning/experimenting with databases currently, but I’m mainly asking for help on why the SQL is outputted this way & advice on any severe mistakes I’m making is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance -Occy
public void createPlayerStats(PlayerStats playerStats) throws SQLException { PreparedStatement statement = getConnection() .prepareStatement("INSERT INTO player_stats(uuid, blocks_broken, last_login, last_logout) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); statement.setString(1, playerStats.getPlayerUUID()); statement.setLong(2, playerStats.getBlocksBroken()); statement.setDate(3, new Date(playerStats.getLastLogin().getTime())); statement.setDate(4, new Date(playerStats.getLastLogout().getTime())); statement.executeUpdate(); statement.close();
It happens because block_broken type is a varchar and not a number.
In this case you are ordering lexycographically and not numerically.
You can change your query to handle that as a numeric value with an explicit cast so your query should be:
SELECT uuid FROM player_stats ORDER BY cast(blocks_broken as numeric) DESC
Update: In MariaDb try to use this (You can try directly in the db client and once it is working update your java code):
SELECT uuid FROM player_stats ORDER BY CAST(blocks_broken AS INTEGER) DESC