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Tag: yaml

Swagger codegen generates duplicated variables

I’m trying to generate client from yaml that contains That means, accept and contentType will be present in generated method signature. On top of that, I’v configured plugin like this Still, after mvn clean install I’m getting Error:(130,31) java: variable accept is already defined in method And generated code contains I’v tried different versions of plugin (from 2.3.0 up to

Missing double quotes for the required field using Snake Yaml

i am trying to read a Yaml template and replace certain fields in the template dynamically and create a new Yaml file. My resultant yaml file should reflect the template in all aspects including the double quotes. But I am missing double quotes for the required fields when I use snake yaml. Can anyone please suggest to resolve this issue?

Parse list of beans with snakeyaml

Is it possible to parse with snakeyaml the following content and obtain a List<Radio> (where Radio is the appropriate java bean) ? new Yaml().load(…); returns a List<HashMap>, but I’d like to get a List<Radio> instead. Answer The only way I know is to use a top object to handle the collection. Yaml file : I just added “—” , new

How do I stop jackson’s YAML writer from quoting values

I’m working on a project to convert files from JSON to YAML. I’m using the 2.8.3 versions of the following libraries: jackson-core jackson-databind jackson-dataformat-yaml jackson-annotations My YAML serialization code is extremely simple: The YAML produced by this code looks like the following: Although it is valid YAML, I don’t like the double quotes around the values. You don’t need them

How do I convert from YAML to JSON in Java?

I just want to convert a string that contains a yaml into another string that contains the corrseponding converted json using Java. For example supose that I have the content of this yaml in a String called yamlDoc: I want some method that can convert the yaml String into another String with the corresponding json, i.e. the following code should
