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Tag: xml

XSLT filitering for both begin with and followed by characters

I am working in project where I am given a list of allowed characters, and required to remove the unwanted characters. I have the following done, but I felt it is cumbersome and than it should be Testing the start condition I have added three checks. The contains check returns true for empty string case, and thus I have added

Android Studio calculate total price

I wanna ask how can I sum all patty price and display in the total ? The total is in activity_main.xml layout while all the product price is in view_product.xml . Screenshot of app As you can see the grey color text is per patty price , and the right side black text is price after multiply the quantity of

Protocol error trying to parse XML response in Java

I am successfully making an API call that is a SOAP request with an account number in the body. I connected using Httpurlconnection and I am reading those results using BufferedReader: Then using documentbuilderfactory to build the doc to read into the parser: And then try to parse: NodeList returnList = xmlDom.getElementsByTagName(“DATA”); This is the error I get (which includes

Fix app keeps stopping made with android studio [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed last year. Improve this question I’m new in the android development field. Last night I made a simple calculator

XSLT – masking data – Conditional on other tags

I am trying to mask an xml document where some specific tags are present. I have created a java app which contains saxon9he as dependency. I have multiple use case, some are straight forward but some are conditional. Assuming the below given <Prsn> tag is present at multiple different locations: Input xml snippet Transformation that is needed In this above

Reading XML with namespace using Apache Beam XmlIO

I am trying to read an XML file into an Apache Beam pipeline. Some elements have namespaces and the namespace declaration is declared at the root node. I am able to parse the xml outside of Apache Beam using the standard JAXB parser. However, when I use function with beam I get the following exception: com.ctc.wstx.exc.WstxParsingException: Undeclared namespace prefix
