In an ejb after I look up a secured javax.sql.DataSource using its global JNDI name e.g. jdbc/MyDS (not resource reference) is there a way to get a connection via getConnection(). This is on WAS 8.5.5 and the data source has both a container managed and component managed authentication alias with “Mapping-configuration alias” of none and test connection is successful in
Tag: websphere-8
Breakpoints not working on JSP pages in Eclipse
Breakpoints are being hit in the Java code, the project is being run as Debug, “Skip All Breakpoints” is disabled, line breakpoints (blue dots) are on lines in my JSP pages. The result in the web browser debug, so I know it’s hitting the right page: Why are my breakpoints on JSP pages not being hit? I’m having no issue
Websphere liberty profile error: 404 SRVE0190E
What could be the reason for the error: Error 404: SRVE0190E: File not found: /SimpleServletPath I am deploying in websphere liberty profile server. I can’t reach my admin console login page I can reach my welcome page on my websphere liberty profile server but can’t do so after creating a servlet. That’s when the above 404 error comes up. There