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Tag: vaadin14

Persist dark theme setting and apply in vaadin 14

Hello I want to apply the dark theme at the login of the user in Vaadin 14. But it does not work when i call the toggle function programmatically. I was following this example: The setting is already persisted, but how can i apply the theme setting? It works only when the trigger comes from a request thread. Here

Vaadin 14 – Cannot get a Details/AccordionPanel to use window width

Unlike many other Vaadin “container” components, the com.vaadin.flow.component.details.Details and com.vaadin.flow.component.accordion.AccordionPanel classes do not allow for setSizeFull() (I have tried both). I’m trying to figure out how to have one of these on a form and have it expand horizontally across the parent view. Instead, it’s showing a narrow view that is not very useful. It has some reasonable vertical size.

Vaadin 14 show simple HTML Page

I made some kind of internal manual for a webapp that i am developing. I am using Spring Boot and Vaadin 14. How to implement a button that shows that document? The html doc is in my resources folder. I wonder if i am stupid. Or should i write my own controller for this? Answer A Vaadin application itself is

Reloading and deleting from Vaadin ListBox

I am using a ListBox in Vaadin 14, populated by setItems with a list of custom objects. There two things I did not find out how to do: Reload the listbox when the list of items hast changed Deleting a certain object from the listbox Answer You can add/remove items from the underlying collection, and then call ListBox.getDataProvider().refreshAll(). For example,
