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Tag: swagger-ui

SWAGGER – Fetch error v2/apidocs undefined

My swagger was working fine with this code. I wanted to add Authorize option in swagger page. So I did this config. From the time I added this new configurations I am getting this error. I have added the v2/api-docs in my security web ignore & http disble configurations already. My swagger dependencies: please help me with the issue Answer

Swagger is not working in Spring boot framework [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 12 months ago. Improve this question It shows failed to load API definition for one service only REST services

Getting error while configuring Swagger-ui with spring reactive

While integrating swagger-ui with a reactive spring project generated using JHipster 7.1.0 for Java 11. I added the below dependencies. The application has below dependencies of swagger POM dependencies Apart from that we added a configuration Please share your feedback or inputs if you have faced similar issues. Answer When you have both Spring MVC and Webflux are present,

OpenAPI @RequestBody variables of type Map are not populated

I’ve a simple POST API where the @RequestBody contains a variable of type HashMap. The problem is that the variable “myMap” is never populated. Swagger UI shows the entry field correctly, with corresponding default values. I also added the a static block in the Configuration file, otherwise Swagger UI doesn’t show the entry field of type Map. What is needed

How to handle header field with swagger in a java project?

I want to add header parameters to swagger ui so that the user can pass these values also. Could someone guide on what the java code for this would look like. I am using springfox-swagger2 and springfox-swagger-ui version 2.9.x (There are other post of SOF that describe about adding these through swagger editor or are for other technologies, so they
