I want to return an array of 2 integers, containing the indexes of a pair of integers in the array whose sum is k. I have done this method : With previous array and sum it works & returns: For example with this: I should have: How can I, in case there are several possible pairs whose sum is equal
Tag: sum
How to sum elements of List
I want to sum the possibilities (of some characters) in the context of Shannon-Fano Algorithm. Example input/output Given poss as a List of Strings filled with possibilities. For example the possibilities are as follows: and the sum must be 1 (after adding all the possibilities). What I already tried Following code is what I tried. But the problem is that
How to calculate sum of values stored in getter?
I want to be able to calculate the sum of the int values stored in my getter method. So basically what I want the program to do is to sum the total hours of all the workers into one number. I have no idea how to do this… The output I get with this code is just the hours for
How to calculate RECURSIVELY 2D array column in Java
I am stuck with a homework question for something fairly stupid. The mission is to find the smallest column sum on a 2D array and return it’s index. No loops allowed, only recursion. I managed the code, but I’m stuck with the simple task of calculating the column itself. This is the code I wrote so far: And this is
Trying to calculate sum of odd numbers in given range (java) – bug in a code? [closed]
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question