I can’t import that simple library, i have all jar files, also i tried Ivalidate Caches / Restart. Maybe i have to add validation to build path, but i don’t know to which file. Answer Got it. File -> Project Structure In Modules click Dependecies, then click green “+” on the right side Click JARs or directiories… and add JAR
Tag: spring
Spring: automatic rollback on checked exceptions
One way to configure Spring to rollback on a non RuntimeExceptions is using @Transactional(rollbackFor=…) annotation on the service classes. The problem with this approach is that we need to define (rollbackFor=…) for almost all the service classes which seems really redundant. My question: Is there any way to configure a default behaviour for Spring transaction manager to rollback on a
Exception during context initialization –
I’m trying to create a simple online store with spring. But the error that occurred is above my skills. I googled all I could, and I’m helpless. Since last time everything worked I created a new controller, few services and a thymeleaf template. I can post the whole project on github if anyone would be willing to check it. Posting
PageRequest constructors have been deprecated
I’m working the Spring Data Commons v2+ snapshot, and I see that the constructors for a PageRequest have been deprecated. This appears to have occurred between M1 & M2. Unfortunately, this is the only [real] implementation of the Pageable interface. I’m wondering where the effort is heading, and what a better alternative would be for current development. Answer It’s just
Thymeleaf URL with multiple variables
I’m using thymeleaf as template engine in my spring project. My Problem is: I’m trying to submit my form to url that contains two variables, something like: mysite/bla/{id}/bla/{id2} (two variables in url). So, I’m trying with this: The console shows the error: “Skipping URI variable ‘id’ since the request contains a bind value with the same name.” So, someone has
Spring Security UserDetailsService must be set Error
Just i dont understand, why customUserDetailsService doesn’t autowire There are 2 classes i use ================= And there is stackTrace Please explain me, how it’s possible. These classes have the same package, i included this package @ComponentScan annotation. And spring still complains that he cant find @Service Component. There is something easy, but i cant get it. Please help. Answer I
Difference between spring-data-jpa and spring-boot-starter-data-jpa
This may not be the best question to ask, but I noticed there are 2 Spring JPA for Spring boot. How are they different? Currently, I am trying to set up a Spring Boot 1.5.3 project along with Hibernate. I remember I had set up Spring Boot with JPA earlier with spring-boot-starter-data-jpa. Most of the online examples I have seen
What advantage is there to using Spring @Async vs. CompleteableFuture directly?
What’s the advantage of using Spring Async vs. Just returning the CompletableFuture on your own? Answer Your application is managed by the container. Since it’s discouraged to spawn Threads on you own, you can let the container inject a managed Executor.
@PostConstruct annotation and spring lifecycle
I’m new to Spring, I would like to know: I have a java class annotated with @Component (spring) and inside I have a method annotated with @PostConstruct. The class is then referenced by @Autowired annotated field in another class. Can I assume that the class is only injected after @PostConstruct is called? Answer If you are asking is injection of
Docker and Eureka with Spring Boot failing to register clients
I have a very simple demo of using Spring Boot + Docker Compose + Eureka. My server runs on port 8671 with the following application properties: My Eureka client runs on port 9000 with the following application properties: When I start up my docker.compose file in the parent maven project, this is the contents of my docker-compose file: When I