When running a project, an error occurs: UnsatisfiedDependencyException: Error creating bean with name ‘sqlServerQueryDaoImpl’ defined in file SqlServerQueryDaoImpl.class : Unsatisfied dependency expressed through constructor parameter 0; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No qualifying bean of type ‘javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory’ available: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate. Dependency annotations: {} Code Dao DaoImpl my pom.xml stacktrace Answer Well, there are
Tag: spring
Spring Boot email sending throws SocketTimeoutException: Read timed out
I’ve already researched the topic for a few days but none of the answers I found online did the trick for me. Context: I’ve got a Spring Boot web application which sends automatic emails notifications using Java Mail API and Spring Boot Starter Mail. It is using GMail SMTP server with a GSuite account. I recently upgraded to use Spring
Spring Data MongoDB 4.0 transactions support
MongoDB 4.0 are going to introduce transactions support with ACID guarantees. Does Spring Data MongoDB already supports the transactions in MongoDB and if no, when this awesome feature will be available. I really need it, taking into account the following issue – MongoDB schema design in order to support application horizontal scaling Answer Does Spring Data MongoDB already supports the
Spring Boot Application Could not initialize class org.apache.logging.log4j.util.PropertiesUtil
I am trying to implement the hello world web application using spring boot, gradle and tomcat by following “Building a RESTful Web Service” but have been unable to run make it run so far. The code is pretty much the same as the one provided on the website, I have wasted hours debugging it thinking there was a bug in
How to update only the incoming fields in a model using spring data jpa?
I am using Spring data jpa for persistence. Say, I have to update a model. This model has ‘n’ number of fields along with a primary Key. Considering above json as a representation of my model, I want to update only those fields which are incoming in the json (primary key is Id which will always be there). Is there
Can’t register an custom Entity in Spring project
Hello I have custom entity which has fields like name, description, date ant others, I created EventRepository and EventServiceImpl. Also i have a model RegisterEvent. Event entity: EventRepository: EventServiceImpl: RegisterEvent Model But when i Try to register event in my Html : I get the following error: And in the browser shows: I don’t know whats happening in the error
Spring Boot JPA unknown column in field list
In MySQL I have script that create table In java class i have model to this table In Repository package In client site i try send in request login and password but i have error in server site ‘ That mean I should change my column name in MySQL table to account_id? Answer “That means I should change my column
The method toByteArray(InputStream) is undefined for the type IOUtils
I am working on spring boot.I have a method to return a file using byte array.while i am trying to return byteArray I got this error.my code is given below- Answer Very likely, you have imported the wrong IOUtils from tomcat (import org.apache.tomcat.util.http.fileupload.IOUtils;) Add Apache Commons IO dependency and use the following import
HttpMessageNotWritableException: No converter found for return value of type: class java.util.HashMap in Spring MVC
I am trying to return a json using HashMap like this in a method in the controller When I hit this method in PostMan I get this error This is how I have setuped the Application The error says, it cannot convert the list to httpmessges so do I need to any any converters or something like that? What am
Spring boot read array from YAML (properties) file
This is my project structure and i have this in application.yml in my Endpoint i have the following in any function i can access something like System.out.println(hello) and its perfectly working but for the fileTypes its not even compiling and i receive this error : Error creating bean with name ‘configurationEndPoint’: Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: