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Tag: spring

Spring giving 404 on loginProcessingUrl when authenticating login

I’ve configured my Spring app to authenticate logins using the /authenticate url, but each time I try signing in it throws the following error: org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet.noHandlerFound No mapping for POST /authenticate I’m confused because as far as I’m aware, the loginProcessingUrl should be allowing Spring to handle the authentication in the background without needing me to provide a URL. Below are

Spring event lifecycle

To understand if the spring events fits the task im working on I need to understand how they work, where are they stored? as I can guess they are stored in a spring application context and disappears if the application crashes, is my guess correct? Answer Spring events are intended to use when calling methods directly would create too much

NullPointerException while send a otp mail using springboot

I was trying to send a otp mail using springboot. I have already created a login page from where the mail will be provided to sendotp(). Or you can help by providing code for how to send mail otp using springboot. Here is my code : OtpControllerclass – EmailSenderService class : Wnen I am calling sendOtp() method I get NullPointerException

How to insert all enums into database?

We have a list of ENUMS for different purposes. Sample Enum: we use .sql file to save this enums, Problem: We need to write values two times (One in enum and another one .sql statement) It seems not efficient way, Is any other way to save ENUMS to avoid this repetition? Answer From the above mentioned details what I understood

Java Exception: Unauthorized: 401

I’m getting the error: Exception: org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException$Unauthorized: 401, when trying to connect to Jira through HttpHeader, and the credentials are configured in a configserver file, which would be this: And the method where I command to call the file above and where I get the error on the line ResponseEntity<String> result =, HttpMethod.GET,this.requestEnt, String.class);, would be this: In fact, when

How to publish a Pub/Sub message with a Supplier bean?

I want to publish a Pub/Sub message in Spring according to the Google documentation (see The only problem is that I am new to Spring Framework and I have no idea of how to turn this example into something that I can use. That is, a method that allows me to send a specific message from a service to
