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Tag: spring

How to deploy a Spring-Boot-Webflux application to Tomcat standalone server?

A normal spring-web application can be deployed to tomcat standalone as war file as follows: Question: how can I deploy such an application after migrating to spring-webflux to tomcat? Docs say: To deploy as a WAR to any Servlet 3.1+ container, you can extend and include AbstractReactiveWebInitializer in the WAR. That class wraps an HttpHandler with ServletHttpHandlerAdapter and registers

Converting java object to xml

How can i convert java object to xml? I am trying to convert an incoming java object to xml in spring integration with a converter bean. is there another way than marshalling in Jaxb ? like using @TypeConverter. Or implementing converter class. Answer I’m not familiar with @TypeConverter, but looks that that is an EclipseLink feature for JPA. In the

value not injecting in @ReuqestBody POJO from – SpringBoot Application

I am new to Java SpringBoot and I am trying to inject a default value from file. Basically, the idea is to set default value to RequestObject’s id property, default value being injected(/fetched) from UseCase: In case, no data or blank data is being passed in request body of API, the code should set a default value (being

How to log output of just a specified framework class in Log4J

I need to log the output of a specific Spring class (org.springframework.core.log.LogFormatUtils) to a given appender (Graylog in the end, but I used a FileAppender for testing purposes – doesn’t matter here). I’m aware that generally, this could be done quite simple by using However, this does not work – it outputs nothing. If I change the logger’s name /

Java Design Pattern (Orchestration/Workflow)

I need to automate the workflow after an event occurred. I do have experience in CRUD applications but not in Workflow/Batch processing. Need help in designing the system. Requirement The workflow involves 5 steps. Each step is a REST call and are dependent on previous step. EX of Steps: (VerifyIfUserInSystem, CreateUserIfNeeded, EnrollInOpt1, EnrollInOpt2,..) My thought process is to maintain 2

How do I retrieve Resource object using restTemplate in Spring Boot?

So, basically the title. I got 2 microservices. One generates and sends a zip file and the other one receives it, then does some magic, converts it to an array[] of bytes and then sends it somewhere else. But it’s just in theory – I coldn’t make it work. I need to download a Resource ( that contains InputStream that

Spring not calling the default constructor

I have made a simple spring boot application: Here I have put @Component annotation on the Student class. So I can get the student object from the application context. But the id and name are not initialized as per the default constructor. What could be the reason for this? Does spring not call the default constructor automatically? If not, how

Http request and response from rabbitmq

I have question about http request and rabbit mq . How I can have this sample 1- client request to server with http request 2- severe after receive request put to rabbit mq 3- in one job , lisiner read message after process on time response to client with http response Is it possible ? If yes please help me
