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Tag: spring

Apache Wicket with Spring version dependencies

Is there any known version dependencies between Apache Wicket and Spring? Couldn’t find any from the Wicket or Wicket-Spring bridge documentation . For example can Wicket 7 be run with Spring 5, Wicket 9 with Spring 4 and so on. Answer Wicket 7.x uses Spring 4.1.x – Wicket 8.x uses Spring 4.3.x – Wicket 9.x uses Spring 5.3.x

Use H2 as test DB in JUnit5

I’m developing an app in Spring Boot. I use a PostreSQL DB for production, and I want my JUnit 5 tests to run on a H2 memory DB. Problem is, after some configuration, the tests still don’t seem to run on the in-memory db: I can access entities from the prod db (a saved entity doesn’t persist in the prod

Is there such a query for mongodb?

I need to do a query on mongoDB due to I am developing in Java with Spring Boot and MongoDB. I know that this command is for arrays: This query let me to find if all fields of the arraylist “skillsOfCV” are in the arraylist called “skills” However, I am trying to pass an arraylist as “skillsOfCV” to compare all

Spring Boot: Cannot load configuration class

I am currently creating my first Spring Boot application. Unfortunately, I get an error right at the beginning that I can’t understand. POM Only some rudimentary dependencies are defined here. Java 8 and Spring Boot 2.0.1 are to be used. App Here the application is defined as a SpringBoot application. The autoconfig should actually make everything work automatically. Console output

Field … in … a bean of type ‘service’ that could not be found

I’m trying to use an object which is in an external library, but when I use the @Autowired property, it is not found by the application. The main application has the following annotations: In the I have a class that calls the object of the dependency, called MailService, in this way: Here is the problem, this mailService object is

Spring suddenly has cyclic dependencies after switching to new version

A maven project has spring-boot-starter-parent as its parent. I just switched the version from 2.3.1.RELEASE to 2.6.7. Suddenly, the springboot application that uses this project has cyclic dependencies with this error: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application context form a cycle: org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.servlet.WebMvcAutoConfiguration$EnableWebMvcConfiguration ┌─────┐ | com.mycompany.spring.logging.configuration.InterceptorConfiguration (field com.mycompany.spring.logging.RequestInterceptor com.mycompany.spring.logging.configuration.InterceptorConfiguration.interceptor) └─────┘ Action: Relying upon circular references is discouraged

IntelliJ Run Configuration for Spring Boot apps?

I do not change run configuration unless reinstalling IntelliJ IDEA and I am not sure if I set the run config properly. Configuration Dialog Could you pls clarify me about the following issue based on the attached dialog: 1. SHould I use SPring Boot or Application Template of Run config for a Spring Boot app? Or is both of them
