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Tag: spring-cloud-stream-binder-kafka

How to use org.springframework.messaging.converter.ProtobufMessageConverter

I was trying to use Spring framework built-in ProtobufMessageConverter to convert my kafka message but I couldn’t seem to find a way to have this converter being used. The configuration of my binding is as the following: When I use my custom message converter, I can see it registered in SimpleFunctionRegistry.messageConverter which is a list of customer converter and default

Failed to create topics”,”exception”:”norg.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedVersionException

Please suggest what changes are required as i am getting this error. Answer I see you are new here. You should always include version information and full stack trace for questions like this. Upgrade your broker to >= 2.4 or set the binder replication factor property. See Change default replication factor to -1 Binder now uses a default value

what is the use of the property

What will happen If partitionCount ( is greater than 1 and consumer.partitioned ( is false (Using Kafka) Answer In the case of Kafa binder, the property is not relevant. You can skip setting this property on the consumer side. This property’s default value is false. Since Kafka has built-in partitioning support, the binder will simply delegate to Kafka broker
