As per the Spring documantation: Add this annotation to an @Configuration class to have the Spring Security configuration defined in any WebSecurityConfigurer or more likely by extending the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter base class and overriding individual methods: Or As this @EnableWebSecurity depicts, is used to enable SpringSecurity in our project. But my question is that even if I don’t annotate any of
Tag: spring-boot
Docker and Eureka with Spring Boot failing to register clients
I have a very simple demo of using Spring Boot + Docker Compose + Eureka. My server runs on port 8671 with the following application properties: My Eureka client runs on port 9000 with the following application properties: When I start up my docker.compose file in the parent maven project, this is the contents of my docker-compose file: When I
Spring Boot Application is starting up from a JUnit test but unable to access through URL
I have a JUnit Test that starts my spring boot appcliation ( If I run the JUnit test, Application is successfully starting up, but not accessible through url Application Logs: When I tried to access the application through url ‘http://localhost:8080/process’, It says Site can’t be reached. Answer Why would you do such thing? This should be a unit test and
Spring boot: how to match all routes?
I’m developing a simple web application on Spring boot 1.5.3 and I need all the routes to send static index.html file. Now, I have this: My application contains only static assets and REST API. But the problem is that the controller shown above only matches the first-level url like /index, /department etc. I want to match all url levels like
ORA-02289: sequence does not exist – when using Spring Data JPA with Spring boot
Database being used is Oracle 11g The sequence is present in the specified schema in the database and the same query returns proper value when executed via sql developer. The Auto generation configuration is as follow: Spring JPA configuration is as follow: Answer Kindly check if the user which you are using has the read/write privilege
Caused by: Connection refused: no further information: localhost/
I am developing a project from the link without any custom change yet. My concerns is how we can run this project ? Do I need to install anything ? pom.xml Answer It is pretty clear that you have missed some or all of the steps in section 5.1 of the example that you are following. The last of
Spring data JPA: how to enable cascading delete without a reference to the child in the parent?
Maybe this is an overly simple question, but I am getting an exception when I try to delete a user entity. The user entity: And I have an entity class which references a user with a foreign key. What I want to happen is that when the user is deleted, any PasswordResetToken objects that reference the user are also deleted.
How to set rate limit for each user in Spring Boot?
I am developing a Spring Boot Rest API which handles a lots of incoming request calls. My Controller is something like below: So now I wanted to set a ratelimit for each user. Say every user can only request 5 request per minute or something like that. How to set the rate limit for each user to make only 5
Spring boot – Cannot turn off logging
I am trying to turn off the console output in STS for a spring boot application using the file. Setting the value logging.level.root does seem to have some effect but I can never turn it off completely and nor can I turn off the auto configuration report output. The banner does get turned off by the property spring.main.banner-mode. For
Spring Boot not recognizing file
I’m trying to configure a DynamoDb client with Spring Boot, and placed my endpoints and configuration information in my resources/ file. However, Spring Boot does not seem to pick up these properties. It does pick up the “server.default” key that I have stored in the same file, so it is definitely recognizing the the file itself. Here is my