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Tag: split

Split fasta file into specific new fasta files

So I’m writing this code that will read a fasta file. In the fasta file, there will be 10 sequences. The start of the sequence will be “>” I want to split 50:50 of those sequences and create two new fasta files with it. 5 sequences in one new file; the other 5 sequences in another new file. I have

How do I split the plus minus number string in java? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Input : String arrr[] = new String[4]; arrr[0] = +2501 +2502 +2503 +2504 arrr[1] = -2501 -2504 +2505 +2506 +2507 +2509 arrr[2] = +2501 +2511

How can I split a string without knowing the split characters a-priori?

For my project I have to read various input graphs. Unfortunately, the input edges have not the same format. Some of them are comma-separated, others are tab-separated, etc. For example: File 1: File 2 Rather than handling each case separately, I would like to automatically detect the split characters. Currently I have developed the following solution: Basically I pick the

Java – splitting files by newline

How can I split file by newline? I’ve attempted to split by doing line.split(“\r?\n”) – but when I try printing the 0th index I get the entire file content when I was expecting just the first line. but if I try printing the result at index 0 I get the entire file content, when I expected to get just the

How can I get a special part in a string in Java? [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I have to read commands from a file I have and take necessary actions according to each command. I was able to find out the

Split a List of Lists with camel splitter

I have many ArrayLists created to hold the collections of separate entities to be split in to their own entities. these are added to an ArrayList then pushed to the exchange where I try to split the List of Lists. I can’t seem to split a list of lists. Tried many variations of the Splitter, with tokens, etc. after collecting

Capitalization of the words in string

How can I avoid of StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in case when string starts with space (” “) or when there’re several spaces in the string? Actually I need to capitalize first letters of the words in the string. My code looks like: Tests: Input: “test test test” Output: “Test Test Test” Input: ” test test test” Output: Expected: ” Test Test test”
