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Tag: servlet-3.0

Error parsing SQL Mapper Configuration in mybatis

I am using mybatis framework in a servlet and the mybatis-config.xml file is unable to find the Student_mapper class.I applied all the paths including the package name and excluding it and also used the element in my mybatis-config.xml but it doesn’t work.I am still getting the same error. Here’s my mybatis-config.xml file Here’s my Student_mapper interface Answer The mapper class

How to set JBoss Wildfly context root with XML-less Spring web application?

Having a Spring application with Maven where all the configuration is done in Java (all configuration previously stored in web.xml is now in annotated @Configuration files or in WebAppInitializer that extends AbstractAnnotationConfigDispatcherServletInitializer), how can I set the context root for my application in JBoss Wildfly? The app has no web.xml, nor jboss-web.xml . When the app used XML configuration the
