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Tag: selenium-chromedriver

How to hide the warning “This type of file can harm your computer” while downloading .xml file using Chrome Chromedriver 79 with Selenium Java

Despite setting safebrowsing.enabled to true / false, the warning …This type of file can harm your computer… is still being displayed in browser. How to hide this information? Answer To enable downloading of file using Chrome/ChromeDriver hiding the warning This type of file can harm your computer you need to: Add the preferences: download.default_directory download.prompt_for_download download.extensions_to_open safebrowsing.enabled As well as

org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverException: Timed out waiting for driver server to start. Build info: version: ‘unknown’, revision: ‘unknown’

While everything works on my machine, when I bring the project in which I’m working on my server, Selenium and Chromedriver won’t boot, causing the following exception Everything works like this: the user, for launching the crawler, is supposed to click a button. Then, with JavaScript, I make an Ajax call to a specific method of a specific class that

disable-infobars argument unable to hide the infobar with the message “Chrome is being controlled by automated test software” with ChromeDriver v2.36

I just updated ChromeDriver to newest version – 2.36. In previous versions I’ve set: and the “Chrome is being controlled by automated test software” warning bar wasn’t displayed. With the same option set, I’m keep seeing it. Do you know how to disable this from appearing in the newest ChromeDriver? Thanks in advance Answer New version of ChromeDriver has been
