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Tag: reactor-netty

Strange error with WebFlux and Spring-Integration – IndexOutOfBoundsException exceeds maxCapacity

I am in the process of writing a spring-integration flow that is intended to enrich the headers of a message based on the determination if a remote resource actually exists. Assuming that there is a RESTful endpoint that has an API on it that will locate an object based on a unique name: /mix-entity/name/{mixEntityName}. This API will return a JSON

what’s the meaning of server.onDispose().block()?

There are few web pages about reactor-netty on the internet. And I don’t understand the meaning of some code below. These code below is just ABC of reactor-netty. But I really can not find more information on the internet. So I have to ask for help. Please help me with the five places in the code above. Thank you. Answer
