I need to exchange data (roughly 100 bytes 10 times a second) between Teensy4.1 and RaspberyPi 4. I decided to do this via serial interface. There is Teensy code: I have hard-coded 191.699997 for test purposes. Please find below RaspberryPi Java part: The output of the above code is the shown bellow: I understand why is the difference but have
Tag: raspberry-pi4
Install Java 16 on Raspberry Pi 4
I have tried multiple releases from here using : But after java -version I always get: Which means I have chosen the wrong release/architecture. Is there a release that works with Raspberry Pi’s or is there another way to install Java 16? Answer Answering my own question. cd [minecraft directory here] wget https://github.com/AdoptOpenJDK/openjdk16-binaries/releases/download/jdk16u-2021-05-08-12-45/OpenJDK16U-jdk_arm_linux_hotspot_2021-05-08-12-45.tar.gz tar xzf OpenJDK16U-jdk_arm_linux_hotspot_2021-05-08-12-45.tar.gz export PATH=$PWD/jdk-16.0.1+4/bin:$PATH java -version
Visual Studio Code: Java Extension Pack can’t locate java sdk when started over SSH
I’m trying to start a JAVA program on my Raspberry 4 from my Windows laptop using a SSH Connection in Visual Studio Code. The connection works (I can see I’m on the Raspberry in the Terminal) and I installed the Java Extension Pack on the Raspberry: Now I would like to run the Java Project that is located on my