I have a Python code that’s running properly on my system (Mac OS Catalina) but is failing when I am using it in my docker image. I am open to having a completely new dockerfile as well if that can work. I have the jar file next to my code so it can be picked up properly. Here is my
Tag: python-3.x
Send cross AWS account message from Lambda to SQS
I want to send a message to SQS queue on another account (Ohio) from lambda in North Virginia account. How can I achieve this? Things I tried so far: Created a queue in Ohio and gave lambda role arn to the queue. Sent message from the lambda in North Virigina , got following error: “errorMessage”: “An error occurred (AWS.SimpleQueueService.NonExistentQueue) when
How to parse Java code in Python using ANTLRv4
I’m trying to parse some Java code in Python using ANTLRv4. I’ve tried to follow this post, but I get the following error: I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. The file I’m trying to parse is proper Java, it’s extracted from the docker-maven-plugin package. I’ve tried with other files, but I get the same error. Any idea ?