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Tag: perl

Java Compilation vs Perl Compilation

How different is the compilation procees of Java and Perl ? Both produce a byte code but what happens after that? Is the interpretation in perl and conversion from object code to machine code in java is all that is different? If so then why cant Java be a scripting language? Answer The first thing to note is that the

How to match any combination of letters using regex?

How can I match letters a,b,c once in any combination and varying length like this: The expression should match these cases: but should not match these ones: Answer Use regex pattern You can use this pattern with any set and size, just replace [abc] with desired set… Example: (above output is from myregextester)

How to reliably guess the encoding between MacRoman, CP1252, Latin1, UTF-8, and ASCII

At work it seems like no week ever passes without some encoding-related conniption, calamity, or catastrophe. The problem usually derives from programmers who think they can reliably process a “text” file without specifying the encoding. But you can’t. So it’s been decided to henceforth forbid files from ever having names that end in *.txt or *.text. The thinking is that
