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Tag: oop

Should Enterprise Java entities be dumb?

In our legacy Java EE application, there are loads of value object (VO) classes which typically contain only getters and setters, maybe equals() and hashCode(). These are (typically) the entities to be saved in persistence storage. (For the record, our app has no EJBs – although that might change in the future -, and we use Hibernate for persisting our

Using Command Design pattern

Can anyone explain with a simple example the Command Pattern? I tried searching on the internet, but I got confused. Answer For the most part, commands are immutable and contain instructions that encapsulate a single action that is executed on demand. You might also have a RuntimeCommand that accepts instructions upon execution, but this delves more into the Strategy or

Java Object Method Stack Frame Parameters

So in java, say you have a non-static method ‘bar()’ in an class ‘Foo’. Say then that you call this method like so: Now the stack frame for the call includes the integer parameter, as well as a ‘this’ parameter to be used as an internal reference to the object. What other interesting parameters are copied to the new stack

Variable naming conventions in Java

In PHP, we (at least the good programmers) always start general variable names with a lower-case letter, but class variables/objects with an upper-case letter to distinguish them. In the same way we start general file names with a lower case letter, but files containing Classes with an upper case letter. E.g.: Are the conventions the same in Java, i.e., objects

Is there a benefit to defining a class inside another class in Python?

What I’m talking about here are nested classes. Essentially, I have two classes that I’m modeling. A DownloadManager class and a DownloadThread class. The obvious OOP concept here is composition. However, composition doesn’t necessarily mean nesting, right? I have code that looks something like this: But now I’m wondering if there’s a situation where nesting would be better. Something like:
