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Tag: netbeans

Read from one text file and write into two text files

I need to read from one text file(carsAndBikes.txt) and the write in either cars.txt or bikes.txt carsAndBikes contains a list of cars and bikes and the first character of each name is C or B (C for Car and B for Bike). So far i have that but its showing cars and bikes content. Instead of the separated content.(CARS ONLY

Exporting apache netbeans gradle project to jar file

I have created a Netbeans Gradle project, and I am trying to find the best way to export this to a .jar file so that it can be opened from outside the IDE. I am using dependencies within my project, and I was receiving a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError. To resolve this, I tried adding to my build.gradle file. However, this threw a

How to solve infinite readLine while

I have a program and one of the methods I use is for counting the lines a .txt file has and return an integer value. The problem is when I execute it, despite I wrote if my line is == null the while has to stop, the while loop keeps going, ignoring the nulls it gets infinitely. I don’t know

Netbeans is not getting installed in my Mac, it says JDK not found, though JDK is installed in the same

Error: Failure while executing the commands mentioned below:- /usr/bin/sudo -E — env LOGNAME=ajaygautam USER=ajaygautam USERNAME=ajaygautam /usr/sbin/installer -pkg /usr/local/Caskroom/netbeans/8.2/NetBeans 8.2.pkg -target / exited with 1. Here’s the output: installer: Error – NetBeans IDE cannot be installed. Java (JRE) found on your computer but JDK 8 or newer is required. Please download and install the latest update of JDK 8 from

Java not found error when loading Apache Netbeans 9.0 or 10

I downloaded the archive for the program, unzipped it to C drive on Windows, then when I try to run either executable (32bit/64bit) in the bin folder I get the error message: Cannot find JAVA 1.8 or higher. in spite of Java 10 (JRE) being already installed. I also tried Installing Java 9 but was stuck with the same message.

Logging not showing

I am using JUL in my application. Normally, Netbeans opens an output tab that reads “Tomcat” and shows the logs I produce. It was working fine. But suddenly, I realise that my logs are not shown at all, only the System.out get printed. Not even the higuest LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, “….. I suspect it can be a library I included, which is

netbeans dist folder jar not running [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question I have a java program to insert from textfields data to an ms
