I want to implement a benchmark where the Method MergeSort and it’s performance is measured. I have tried to fill the array that is to be mergesorted with random numbers but when the code is run the array prints the same random number 10 times. Why is this? PS. I can’t post the entire program I have written. Stackoverflow is
Tag: mergesort
Java Error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Comparison method violates its general contract
I am working on a old application which was originally written in Java 6 and which was upgraded to Java 7 a couple of years ago. In this application i am using a Collection.Sort to sort a list with a custom compare method by implementing Comparator interface. Type of objects in the list are CompanySchedule which have 3 properties companyName,
Mergesort in java
I am new to Java and have tried to implement mergesort in Java. However, even after running the program several times, instead of the desired sorted output, I am getting the same user given input as …
dynamically increasing java heap space
I have written a java program that tests the speed of a couple of multi-threading algorithms on different machines with various numbers of processors. On some machines, merge sort* fails because it requires a sizable heap space to work on very large arrays. I can easily change the java heap space myself before running the program, but I feel like