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Tag: max

Java streams – Get max two objects depending on condition

Relatively new to java streams and I have encountered an issue which I could not find a solution for. I have A list of 10 objects and filtered them to return 4 objects. this returns 4 objects: So basically what I am trying to do is take stages that have the same value of stageToCalc and find the maximium stageNumber.

Get the percentage of a value between two values

I have a minimum value and a maximum value (The values can change). I also have a value that is in between of these two values. Now I need to get the percentage of the currentValue between 0% and 100%. Is this even possible? Thank you for your help! Answer I think what you want to have is this calculation:

java Integer.MAX_VALUE, MIN_VALUE overflow

Ok maybe I am just tired because of this but how can I accomplish this? // or perhaps I just want the if statement to catch if x is “within range” kinda like this: But the problem is that if the value is as mentioned above, like MAX_VALUE + 10, the value ends up being neither higher than the MAX
