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Tag: many-to-one

Spring Data JDBC – Many-to-One Relationship

I can’t seem to find any reference online with regards to using a Many-To-One mapping in Spring JDBC. I just saw in the documentation that is not supported but I’m not sure if this is the case. My example is that I want to map my AppUser to a particular Department. For reference, AppUser joins to Department table using DEPARTMENT_ID

JPA: unidirectional many-to-one and cascading delete

Say I have a unidirectional @ManyToOne relationship like the following: If I have a parent P and children C1…Cn referencing back to P, is there a clean and pretty way in JPA to automatically remove the children C1…Cn when P is removed (i.e. entityManager.remove(P))? What I’m looking for is a functionality similar to ON DELETE CASCADE in SQL. Answer Relationships
