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Tag: m2eclipse

Eclipse maven EAR project not working after git share

I have a working maven project on eclipse which I made using the archetype for Jakarta EE with an ear packaging using windfly 21. (org.windfly.archetype – wildfly-jakartaee-ear-archetype). After i got a working webpage, i decided to share it on git, using the eclipse GUI. (Right click on project -> Team -> Share). This moves the project onto another folder, as

How to deal with missing src/test/java source folder in Android/Maven project?

I’m not very experienced with Maven in combination with Android yet, so I followed these instructions to make a new Android project. When the project has been created, I get the following error message: Project ‘xxx-1.0-SNAPSHOT’ is missing required source folder: ‘src/test/java’ When I try to add a new source folder with New->Other->Java-Source Folder with src/test/java, I get another error
