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Tag: kotlin

Geo Intent Label not showing in Google Maps App

Since my Google Maps app updated recently, now version 10.11.1, the following code does not show the label as expected, documented, and previously working: And neither does this version (with 0,0 immediately after geo:): Neither does the example code in the official documentation show a label: Answer Update: Scheduled to be fixed in v11.12 perhaps before the end of January

How to get annotation parameter in annotation processor

I’m writing my own annotation processor and I’m trying to get parameter of my annotation like in the code below in process method: What I get is An exception occurred: javax.lang.model.type.MirroredTypesException: Attempt to access Class objects for TypeMirrors [] during build. Anyone know how to get annotation data? Answer The documentation on the getAnnotation method explains why Class<?> objects are

Kotlin Stream peek(…) method

What is the best alternative in Kotlin to<>.peek(…)? Seems there are no alternative intermediate operations: I found only terminating forEach(…) Answer The Stream alternative in Kotlin is Sequences. There’s onEach to do what peek does. Fun fact: Kotlin also wanted to call their sequences “Streams” before it was clear that Java would do the same, so they

Using coroutines in a right way

I am implementing the coroutine for first time. I am following MVP pattern for a simple login app. Here is my code flow – The login button clicked will follow this direction – LoginFragment -> LoginPresenter -> Repository -> APIRepository -> RetrofitInterface The login response will follow this direction – RetrofitInterface -> APIRepository -> Repository -> LoginPresenter -> LoginFragment Here

Java to Kotlin conversion

Here is a Piece of code in java. How can i convert this in kotlin. I Tried, But this does not give me the size. Answer You can initialize list like this: dots is a Mutable, No Fixed Size list of elements. You can change elements at specific indexes and add new elements, e.g.: Also there are other ways to
