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Tag: jvm-hotspot

Java Flight Recorder – Continuous rolling recording

Question How to get a rolling recording into disk, with a maximum age? Context When something goes bad in my server, I want to be able to dump the profiling information of the hours prior and analyse it, to know what went wrong. As I don’t know when things will go bad, the JDK should be continuously saving the events

In Hotspot JVM, why CDS needs Compressed Oops?

I read this post “”, and last index is about Class Data Sharing. In this index, This feature(means CDS) only work when the Compressed Oops feature was enable(-XX:+UseCompressedOops). I know about CDS and Compress Oops a little, but I cant understand about their relationship. Answer CDS (Class Data Sharing) does not need Compressed OOPs. However, before JDK 15, it worked

JVM code cache exceeds ReservedCodeCacheSize

I have a java app running in a docker with flags on OpenJDK8: and I’ve noticed that Code Cache memory allocation reported by Native Memory Tracking tool exceeds 240MB (default ReservedCodeCacheSize value): which is ~ 254MB reserved memory. Here’s printed flag and java version: My question is if this is expected behavior? If yes, then is it possible to calculate

Difference between “native” keyword and @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation

Why use one over another and vice-versa? Which is more performant? Answer The javadoc comments for the @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation say the following: “The @HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate annotation is specific to the HotSpot Virtual Machine. It indicates that an annotated method may be (but is not guaranteed to be) intrinsified by the HotSpot VM. A method is intrinsified if the HotSpot VM replaces
